Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Fantastic Four

While the amount in my savings account is going up, the amount in my checking account does not seem to be following suit.  Here is my plan to reverse the trend (and also to reverse the trend of calories accumulating in my body).

1. No more eating out.
$10 spent eating out for one meal can buy you a week's worth of groceries.

2. No more buying snacks. 
Waste of money, waste of stomach space.  Fruits and veggies instead.

3. Park farther away instead of circling around for a parking spot.  
Will save gas, and therefore money.  Will also give that tush a nice workout.

4. Replace sugary drinks (juice, soda, boba) with water.  
Except for OJ.  Can't live without OJ. 

I'm sure there are more, but these four are at the top of the list for now.  I figure if I follow them, it will be a win-win solution.  Rule #1 will lead to saving money and cooking more at home, which will naturally cancel the need for Rule #2, which will require me to utilize Rule #3 while making trips to the grocery store, which...shoot.  Thought I had something going on there.

I also cut down my hours, with hopes of having more time to be productive outside of work.  Had a nice conversation with a good friend about feeling sluggish in three areas of her life (physical, emotional, school), and wanting to end this trend.  The answer to this, the answer to everything, I told her...was fruits and veggies.  Hahaha.

Times are a-changing, I'm excited.
No but really.  Fruits and veggies.

Friday, February 12, 2010


Today was great, I laughed a lot.  Hung out with some cool kids.
But there's something sad inside of me, and I don't quite know why.

It's like I'm so small in this vast expanse of world, and every day it's getting harder and harder not to get swallowed up by it all.  It's not something specific, not something big.  It's more like a series of neverending papercuts, if that makes sense.

My mind is fixated on completing this endless to-do list that is school, and job, and friends, and life.  Categories, it seems.  I'd like to change that.  Life isn't, shouldn't be, a list of to-do's. 

Or is it?