Monday, October 11, 2010

Rewind, pause, fast forward

Why are chick flicks so sappy...but so...good...omg.

If you're single they remind you just how, well, single you are haha.   I work with a team of amazing ladies, most of whom are married with kids.  Every day you hear some story about how person X's husband forgot to take the roast out the oven and almost burned down the house, or how person Y's 6-year-old spewed soup all over the dog during dinner.  Or something like that.

Hearing stories like that, spending the majority of my week with women who are older and have settled down, makes me want the future ever so much more.  I'm tired of falling for the wrong guy.  Tired of guys who aren't serious about you or themselves.  Tired of putting years of my life into relationships that in the end, didn't go down the right path.

My greatest struggle this year was giving up my past to the Lord.  Leaving it behind and moving forward with my life was the most freedom I'd ever felt.  Freedom from sin's hold, freedom from fear.  Still I know there is a purpose behind everything, and we wouldn't be the people we are today without the past.  My struggle now is learning to live in the present instead of the future.  Ironic, isn't it?  I know He is forming and molding me in His timing, but sometimes it's so hard to not want to fast forward the process a bit.

Today my co-worker asked what my five year plan was.  I laughed at first, then had to think for a moment.  Nothing really happens the way you plan it, does it?  I can and often do however, dream of what might happen.  There are places to go, people to see, things to experience.  But the one person I want to do it all with just...isn't around yet. 

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