This is one of my best friends, Kat. She let me dress her up and pose her in a prickly field on a chilly day earlier this year. I'm blessed to have such beautiful friends who are so gracious in letting me use them as my subjects!
I've found in the past that there are few people in life with whom you can easily pick up the conversation where it left off, whether it be days or years. Others fade in and out, but those few are worth keeping around. You guys know who you are. I miss you all like mad.
Well, it's official! The last box has been unpacked, so I'm officially moved back home. God has been blessing me abundantly with a smooth transition (praying that the post-college blues won't hit) and also by providing me with a job! I don't deserve it, but His grace is unending, not to mention He has impeccable timing.
Recently, I found myself trying to predict the ways in which God was going to work next in my life. I've realized that, well 1. He's not predictable, and also, 2. I'm an idiot for ever thinking that in the first place. It's a humbling process, seeing that He's working in His own way, His own timing, not in mine.
Life's not an easy ride when you're gripping the reins too tightly. So loosen up, let go, and hand them over to Someone who knows how to navigate. You won't know till you try!